To shop AmazonSmile on your computer:

  1. Go to and login to your Amazon account.
  2. Search for and select Columbia Pregnancy Center as the charity you wish to support.
  3. Have fun shopping!

Remember to shop through the AmazonSmile portal. Your computer will probably keep you logged in, but you need to see the Amazon Smile logo at the top left for it to work.

Shopping from the app on your phone?? Here’s how to connect Smile to the ease of an app (my preferred method):

  1. On your phone, go to and login.
  2. Click the menu bar on the left side and scroll down to “Your AmazonSmile”, and search for Columbia Pregnancy Center. Select it.
  3. On your phone’s menu bar (at the bottom on Apple, upper right on Android), choose “Add to Home Page”. An app-like link appears on your homepage that looks exactly like the old one! Voila!