Parenting information in Columbia, Maryland. Your initial thought might be, ‘Oh no, there’s no way I could parent a child!’ However, you may be surprised at the wealth of support and resources available to you.

We offer a safe space to discuss your concerns, answer your questions, and explore the path of parenting. Our goal is to empower you with the education and resources you need to make the best decision for you and your future.

At Columbia Pregnancy Center,  our goal is to provide you with as many resources as possible. Whether you’re a first-time parent or need guidance on single parenting, co-parenting, relationships, education, or financial stability, our classes are here to support you.


No cost. No age restriction. 100% confidential.

Parenting Classes

Columbia Pregnancy Center offers free parenting classes in Columbia, Maryland. By participating in our programs, you can earn credits that are redeemable in our Baby Boutique, where you'll find essential baby supplies, including clothing, toiletries, diapers, and more.

  • Pregnancy Essentials

    Our prenatal courses are dedicated to equipping you with practical information to support you throughout all nine months. Topics covered include:

    • Eating for two
    • Your baby’s development
    • Coping with pregnancy emotions
    • Understanding your changing body
    • Preparing for your baby
    • …and much more
  • Parenthood Essentials

    Our parenting program equips you with valuable knowledge on various aspects of parenting, addressing concerns and providing essential resources. Topics covered include:

    • Infant care
    • Nutrition
    • Sleep and crying
    • Potty training
    • Mother and Fatherhood program
Book An Appointment
Question? Let's Chat. 

Our staff and nurses are ready to assist you. Get answers to your questions and learn about our free services.

Call (410) 730-3223.

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